This is the start of a new series of things that have helped me with my ME/CFS. This is for everyone who is chronically ill/disabled as I hope you’ll be able to find something of relevance to you. Some of these things won’t be for you which is fine just take what you like and leave the rest.
There is so much information available that it can feel overwhelming, each post will be made up of 5 short tips on a variety of topics and I’d love to know what you think. This series can also be found on my Instagram.
Join a support group
Join a support group that is helpful, positive (not toxic positivity), realistic and not selling dodgy cures! Find people who you can relate and talk to on good days and bad. Those who will support you and champion you in both the hardships and the small and large wins. Those you don’t have to follow up each experience with an explanation of yes I’m still ill!
Make a list of your symptoms
This will let you see how often they occur, their severity and if they’re a sign of an additional condition and help you treat each symptom. Also helpful to have on hand when you’re explaining your condition and life to medical professionals.
Get your bloods checked
Particularly B12, vitamin D, iron (and their cofactors e.g. calcium). As making sure they’re all at the correct levels will mean there’s one less thing for your body to have to deal with. It can also help to see if there’s anything else going on medically with you that needs treating.
Diversify your feed
Follow people who have the same condition/disability as you to see how they live their life what tips and tricks do they have? How have they adapted? But also with other conditions/disabilities. This helps increase your empathy and understanding of the disabled/chronically ill community as a whole and makes you realise you’re not alone. It also helps combat the internalised ableism that we all suffer from. Seeing people use mobility aids so confidently helped me to have the courage to get mine.
Allow yourself to grieve
Becoming chronically ill/disabled is a complete life change. Allow yourself to feel your feelings, they’re all valid. And where possible get support and help with this including with a professional. I cover this a bit on my post on acceptance.
What do you think of these tips? Have you used any of them? I’d love to know. Thank you